You look in the fridge and wrapped in cling film is the left-over chicken leg, saved from landfill! Now what? Often when we have good intentions with leftovers they just become a space filler on the fridge shelf and then our good intentions come to naught, when, with no inspiration, in the bin the food goes! Does that sound familiar? Or are you one of those creative culinaries who can take any ingredient and produce a stunning dish?

We have been delighted this week by two wonderful ladies who have been blogging about our Bute Produce green boxes. @Shazzabakes and @eatargyll have been testing their skills with seasonal roots and brassicas. What a menu is being revealed! @eatargyll came up with a lovely recipe for cabbage served with pork – check out the blog here. We can’t wait to see what @shazzabakes will come up with this week.
Anyway back to that chicken leg, and what to do with it? The dish was to feed two for lunch! A classic recipe roast chicken with sage and onion stuffing provided the much needed prompt. Sage is one of the fragrant herbs that have been planted at Battery Place, Rothesay as part of Bute Carbon Free Food project. The beds are being looked after by volunteers from Incredible Edible Bute. Having picked a bunch of leaves during the last work party, I was lucky enough to have some leaves frozen and a small onion from my green box – a bit of chopping and soon breathing in wonderful aromas.

3 eggs, a splash of McAllister’s milk, produced on Bute, salt and pepper – combined with in a few stirs with a fork. Can you guess where we are going with this?
Next stripped the skin and bones from the chicken leg, and chopped the meat into bitesize bits, these were added to the pan. Once the chicken was heated through, the liquid was added and then grated cheese on top.

A few minutes on the hob to cook the base and then once the cheese had begun to melt, the pan was put under the grill to finish. Chicken, sage and onion omelette – yum!

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