This week we have a totally grown on Bute Bag, which sounds really good, just give us a call on 01700 503181 or go up to the garden to collect, Totally Grown…
Here is what is in the boxes this week, just get in touch by facebook, or give us a call on 01700 503181 r pop up to the garden to order y…
The humble radish, you think what might I do with it, here is a really healthy recipe, that uses radishes completely differently.
Fyne Futures are members of Nourish, it is a network that is seeking to make positive change for local food economies. Last year the theme for conference was “Feeding the Five Million”,…

We have a wonderful array of fruits in the garden. Strawberries, blueberries, goosegogs, pears, and kiwis amongst the selection. Open Day Friday 4th July 12noon – 4pm Take a Tour of the…
With Wimbledon on just now, and wonderful strawberries available from the garden, and the children having just finished school, thought I would share a strawberry with you. Let us know how you…
With the weather being so great, here are some recipes for the basic lettuce!!
Here is what is in the box this week, if you would like to order please get in touch by 1pm on Wednesday