For over a decade Fyne Futures Ltd has operated Bute Produce at a site known locally as Ashfield. It was August 2008 when Fyne Futures Ltd entered into an “in kind” lease…

It has come to this time of year again where the winter woolies come out. While activity in the garden never stops we focus on preparation and maintenance for next year, and…

During the first week of September we were joined by a visitor from the Incredible Edible Network. Sarah Ward was keen to see how the Incredible Edible Bute group had come into…

It was a gloriously sunny day as the accessible raised beds in Chapel Hill car park were launched. The gardens, which lie on the site of the old West Church, have been…

This week Fyne Futures were pleased to welcome a visitor representing the Climate Challenge Fund; Kasia Koziel. The visit was intended to give Kasia a chance to find out how the Bute…

This year’s delivery of Christmas trees was received with welcome from all those taking part. Deliveries of our trees were taken in the fortnight prior to Christmas and our customers really appreciated…

hi all we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed by calling 0170050318 or via our Facebook page before 2 pm on Wednesday for delivery or collection from…

hi all we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed before 2pm on a Wednesday by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page for deliver on Friday…

hi all we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 2pm on Wednesday for delivery or collection from…

hi all we will have in our boxes this week orders can be placed by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 2pm on Wednesday for deliver on Friday or to…