For over a decade Fyne Futures Ltd has operated Bute Produce at a site known locally as Ashfield. It was August 2008 when Fyne Futures Ltd entered into an “in kind” lease…

There is growing and greater awareness of our global food supply chain. This can make it difficult to choose local and seasonal from lack of availability at supermarkets. Have you considered growing…

We ran a survey during October to find out what attitudes and behaviours are prevalent on Isle of Bute linking decision about food and impact on climate change. The results were heartening,…

Spring in Scotland is a wonderful time, with four seasons in one day, the best thing to do is be ready with the camera. However, on a wet Saturday when it is…

You look in the fridge and wrapped in cling film is the left-over chicken leg, saved from landfill! Now what? Often when we have good intentions with leftovers they just become a…

We are looking for volunteers to support Bute Produce community garden. The new season is well underway, and there are lots of activities to get involved with. Volunteering with our Bute Produce…

Last year as part of our Bute Produce Genesis project, we were delighted to create a new woodland environment within the garden. The ‘working wood’ has a range of five trees that…

We are expecting some new arrivals at Bute Produce this year. New skills, new knowledge and new environment are all needed to make our guests feel welcome. One member of the team…

The garden will be closed on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th December. The last Green Box delivery will be Friday 23rd December. Please place your order by Monday 19th December by telephone…

hi all we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed before 2pm on a Wednesday by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page for deliver on Friday…