Garden Organic in partnership with Fyne Futures is seeking to recruit volunteers from across the island to become Master Composters. Master Composters are volunteers who support and encourage others in their community…

hi all we will have in the boxes for 30\12\15 orders can be place by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page

hi all the Christmas boxes will have orders can be placed by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 2pm on Friday the 18th of December for collection from garden or…

hi all we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 2pm on Wednesday

hi all we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed by phoning 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 2pm on Wednesday

hi all we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 2pm on Wednesday

Buteshire Natural History Museum undertakes many surveys of the flora and fauna of Bute. We were delighted to host the museum team for another Moth Trapping event over 4th & 5th September…

Growing skills to grow your own food useful tips For pots and containers use peat-free multi-purpose potting compost. #Bute #GrowYourOwn
No system of farming has milk with higher nutrient levels or higher standards of animal welfare. Organic dairy cows are reared without the routine use of drugs, antibiotics and wormers common in…

Aside from the fantastic fresh vegetables and fruits at Bute Produce, there is a veritable cornucopia of wonderful Bute producers. EARLY BIRDS CAN STILL CATCH SCOTLAND’S KEY FOOD TOURISM EVENT Summer is…