Try organic oil and Vinegar Treat yourself to some organic chocolate Make an organic smoothie Put something organic in your lunch box each day Host an organic seasonal dinner party with friends…

Choose the sunniest sheltered spot in your garden In shady gardens grow leafy vegetables such as lettuce and kale Improve the soil with bulky organic matter- compost or well-rotted manure are ideal…
If organic farming was common practice in the UK, we could offset at least 23% of UK agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions through soil carbon sequestration alone!
Organic food is food you can trust. All organic farms and food companies are inspected at least once a year and the standards for organic food are laid down in European Law
Organic animals are truly free range. This means, healthy ,happy animals, that are reared without the routine use of antibiotics which is common in intensive livestock farming.
Over 320 pesticides can be routinely used in non-organic farming and these are often present in non-organic food

Thank you to everyone who has ordered their Green Boxes and Bags for Delivery on 23rd December, we are now totally sold out. If you wish to order a box/bag for New…
Remember we have a stall this morning at the Health Centre between 9.30-12 noon. Come along and purchase your fresh fruit and vegetables