To place an order, please do so by emailing us at admin@fynefutures.org.uk, or by facebook or by calling us on 01700 503181. We also have some wonderful strawberry plants…

Here is what is fresh this week in our Green Boxes, Premium Boxes are £12.50 delivered £10 collected Value Boxes are £10 delivered £7.50 collected Orders need to be received by lunchtime…

hello everyone we will have in our boxes this week orders can be placed by phoning 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 1 o’clock on Wednesday for Friday pick up…

Here are the details of what are in the boxes this week, if you can please order by 1pm on Wednesday then they boxes will be ready for collection or delivery on Friday. …
hi all we will have in our boxes this week orders can be placed by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 1 o’clock on Wednesday
hi every one we will have in the boxes this week orders can be placed by phoning 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 1 o’clock on Wednesday

hi everyone we will have in the boxes for this week orders an be placed by calling 01700503181 or via our Facebook page before 1 o’clock Wednesday
hi all we will have in the boxes for this week orders can be placed by calling 01700 50 3181 or via our Facebook page before 1 o’clock on Wednesday

Here is what will be in our boxes this week, orders need to be in by 1pm on Wednesday, give us a call on 01700 503181 or message us via facebook.

hi there we will have in the boxes for this week orders can be placed by phoning 01700503181 or via our Bute produce Facebook page can orders be placed before 1…