Totally Grown on Bute Premium Box Value Box Comments b or s pots pots pots s toms carrots carrots s turnip onions onions s Kale mushrooms mushrooms s…

We’re mad about horticulture at Bute Produce. There is lots of exciting aspects to it. And nothing beats that sense of achievement when you produce your own dinner. As part of our…
Here is what is in the boxes and the Totally grown on Bute Bags this week, orders need to be in by 1pm on Wednesday for delivery or collection on Friday. If…
I bought some of our Bute Potatoes at the Cattle Show on Wednesday, cooked them on Wednesday night and Wow, they were lovely, the potatoes were very white and fluffy and tasted scrumptious,…

Please place your orders by 1 pm on Wednesday. You can also catch up with us at the Cattle Show on Wednesday where we will have a range of fresh produce on… Doesn’t this look an easy and yummy recipe for our freshly grown squash.