There is growing and greater awareness of our global food supply chain. This can make it difficult to choose local and seasonal from lack of availability at supermarkets. Have you considered growing your own food? Lowering the carbon food print by learning to produce your own food can be daunting and very rewarding.
The way to self-sufficiency is about taking small actions that build over time. The good thing about horticulture, in our fast paced modern world, is that everything takes time and there is a wonderful sense of mindfulness in each small action needed to produce food.

Bute Produce is offering a programme of horticultural learning events that will take you through all aspects of producing your own food. These course are funded through Scottish Government Climate Challenge Fund, and are free to attend. In no time at all you will be growing your own and hungry for more. To find out more click here!
You don’t need much to start producing food: a few containers, a window box will do just fine however if you have access to land, what better thing to do than turn it into a food producing resource. Whether you only have room for a single pot or can measure your garden in acres, the main thing is to make a start! Pick something easy that you like to eat, imagine having that on your plate, the feeling of satisfaction that your hands created it from seed, and the fulfilling noise of a meal enjoyed. It’s the ultimate 3 ingredient recipe – soil, water and light.
You might also consider using your time, skills and knowledge to grow food to share with our community. Bute Carbon Free Families project is containing to maintain and grow food at Chapelhill Incredible Edible Accessible Garden, Battery Place Raised Beds, Fruit Trees in a Barrel at various locations around Rothesay, and are seeking to bring love to a few more neglected spots. The food grown in these places are free for anyone to take when ready for harvesting. Interested, call us 01700 503181

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