A vital part of Bike Bute’s mission on sustainable transport is to be inclusive. That’s because people with disabilities should be able to enjoy the same rights as non-disabled people, and this includes gaining access to green transport options.
So our team did our research: What kind of accessible bike should we have for our riders with disabilities?
Of course, it HAD to be an e-bike to make it easy for the rider to propel, but there were so many other features and functions to consider…
Finding the Right Wheelchair Accessible Bike
For example, we chose a two-person accessible bike to enable friends or family to propel their co-riders.
We also decided that a front wheelchair model would be best, and an open – rather than ‘boxed’ – carriage would provide co-riders with the most freedom, enabling them to get the full sensory experience of the elements as they rode on Bute’s breezy coastal paths.
So, after much deliberation, we chose the Velo-Plus Companion Bike, as it provided all of the features and functionality that we felt would be of greatest use to the widest range of people with disabilities.
Thank you to Hamish and his Dad, James, for allowing us to share their first venture out on our Companion Bike…!
The Velo-Plus Companion Bike
With our Companion Bike now regularly being used by Brandanes and visitors to the island, we’ve received a lot of feedback on what makes the Velo-Plus such a joy to ride!
For the rider: Our users appreciate that the chair is positioned to provide a lower centre of gravity, making it easier for the rider to propel. In addition, the widely placed front wheels and extra steering make the bike highly responsive and allows for a smaller turning circle than many other accessible bikes. Going uphill is also easier, as the electric pedal support (PEDALEC) can be used for an extra boost of power when needed.
For the co-rider: One of the best things about our Companion Bike is that the co-rider can stay in their own wheelchair. The e-bike is equipped to take most models of wheelchairs, and the person can mount the plateau without the need to be lifted. Further, as the ramp is slightly tilted upwards, our co-riders say they feel safe and secure as they enjoy their journey.
A fun, easy, safe ride for all!
Our Companion Bike is incredibly easy to use, and our staff are there to ensure that riders feel confident about taking it out onto our quiet roads. Users are also given plenty of time to practice on the bike before riding away, and can ask any questions they may have – as well as get some sound advice on the best routes to take!

Why Try an Accessible E-bike?
Here are some of our top reasons for taking our Companion Bike out for spin…
Enjoy the great outdoors …on three wheels!
Wheelchair-accessible e-bikes provide the experience of cycling, and the freedom that comes with it, enabling those who may not ordinarily be able to use a bike, to explore and enjoy the great outdoors in a new way. Our users often tell us that a ride on our Companion Bike is quite an empowering experience.
Be a front-seat navigator
In addition, as the co-rider is positioned at the front, they can, if able, take part in navigating the route. Find the perfect place to stop and watch out for seals, plan a journey to the perfect picnic spot, or just enjoy the ride and see where you end up!
Make your trip a social affair
Our Companion Bike provides a refreshing change from the usual mode of transport. Wherever you need to be, the Velo-Plus e-Bike offers a fun way to get there. As the bike is located at the Rothesay Terminal, it is conveniently central to our island’s amenities.
A fun alternative to getting from A to B…
Our Companion Bike (the clue is in the name!) is also a great way to spend time with friends and family. Being on the same bike allows both rider and passenger to enjoy a good ‘blether’ whilst doing something active.
Who is our Companion Bike for?
Anyone can use our Companion Bike! We have couples, parents and grandparents, friends and carers who use our wheelchair-accessible e-bike on a regular basis. Age and level of fitness is no barrier for riders, as the power-assist motor takes up the slack and provides a smooth, easy cycle for both rider and passenger.
Lastly, if you’re new to wheelchair-accessible e-bikes, don’t worry! Our friendly team are there to help you get set up, and take you through the features of the bike. We take all the time you need, to feel comfortable and safe before you head off for a jaunt around our beautiful island!
Book our Companion Bike today or get in touch to find out more.